It’s D-day. You have to say goodbye. You drop them off. You hug and kiss for the last time. You drive away and then what? Sadness, just sadness and it can last for a while. At least that is how it goes for so many of us. Just a feeling of sadness. Sad that you had to say goodbye, sad …
Finding An Emergency Contact
When you are new to your duty station, need an emergency contact, and have to use someone you just met last Thursday! Really, can’t I just put my mom? I don’t know anyone here!
Your Military Spouse Friends
We all need our military spouse friends… As I have walked through this military life, there have been ups and downs. I have had good days, filled with excitement and hope. I have had bad days, where I just wanted to curl up into a ball and fall asleep until the next day. But no matter what is going on, …